Display/Protect items in HealthOne

It is possible to limit access to parts of the healthOne system to certain staff.  You may decide you need to restrict some staff from having access to a patient file, or a transaction within a file.

You can decide to

  • Display/Protect a Transaction – Prevent users from viewing the contents of a transaction
  • Display/Protect an entry – Prevent users from viewing an actual entry.
  • Display/Protect a complete file

There are times when the details of a consultation should be kept completely confidential,

  • It may be that the patient has requested this
  • There may be a staff member who is well known to the patient
  • There may be a legal necessity to do so.

Either way, HealthOne can ensure that transactions are ‘Display/Protected’.

When a transaction is ‘Display/Protected’ It is clear within the Transaction window that there is a Transaction which has had a ‘Protection’ placed on it.

This is displayed in grey, and has an icon at the side of the transaction similar to a lock lock icon

This means that whoever made the Transaction ‘Display/Protected’, will be the only user who can view the transaction.

Display-protect Transaction example

**Both Transactions with red arrows are demonstrations of Display/Protected Transactions

There are a couple of ways you can Display/Protect.

  1. When creating your transaction you will see from the ‘Transaction Property’ box, there is a ‘TICK’ option.  Simply make sure this option is ticked before saving.  By doing this, the creator of the Transaction will be the only user able to view the contents.  All other users will see a ‘GREY’ transactionTransaction Property window
  2. You can also choose the transaction you wish to display/protect by ‘Right‘ click on the selected transaction.  Select ‘Attributes‘ The Transaction property window will open, and you can change the ‘Access rights’ from here

attributes open


If you are still confused, why not watch the short video demonstration below.

[fvplayer src=”http://hiug.ie/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/HealthOne-Display-Protect-a-Transaction.mp4″ width=”640″ height=”360″ splash=”http://hiug.ie/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/display-protect.jpg”]

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