The HIUG List is a forum based email system to allow Health-One users to converse with each other.
It allows users to find out new or easier ways to manage Health-One. There is a broad knowledge amongst users and it facilitates users to share knowledge. It is often a great platform to discuss and analyse.
Threads which are started on the HIUG List often give ideas on ways to improve the program.
If you are not already a member of this list and would like to be included, please contact the moderator
If you are using the forum, please remember there are some housekeeping rules which must be adhered to.
Guidelines for using the HIUG e-mail list.
The list is a facility available to HIUG members to discuss topics of relevance to Health One. When you send a message to email hidden; JavaScript is required, the mail is forwarded to all subscribed HIUG members who may then reply giving their own views or post other comments questions or opinions for discussion.
Topics should in general be related to Health One and/or general practice IT, however other discussion relevant to General Practice is allowed subject to the guidelines.
Non relevant material, jokes etc. should not be posted. In particular no discussions of fees, contracts, terms and conditions or any urging of collective action in a service area is allowed.
Third party opinions should not be quoted unless easily verifiable and quotes from third parties without their consent should not be posted. Posts at all times represent the opinion of the poster only.
A few general information points to keep in mind.
- The messages will be moderated in order to cut out unsuitable or sent in error messages. The moderator cannot alter the message, it can only to be let through or stopped.
- Remember when replying to a message you are not replying to the person that wrote the message but to the entire group. To reply to the individual, send them an individual message.
- Please remember to always include a relevant subject line. If you are changing the topic please change the subject line. Any messages with a blank subject line will be rejected. Failure to keep this rule will result in your message being rejected.
- Thank you messages sent to the list will be rejected, if you want to specifically thank someone send the message directly to them.
- No discussion of sensitive issues – While every effort is made to ensure users of the list are bona fide Health One people, this cannot be guaranteed so discussion of any sensitive subject which may be damaging to the interests of Health One if it got into the wrong hands should not be posted.
- When messages get larger it is a good idea to delete out most of the previous messages leaving only one or two, this prevents messages getting too unwieldy.

I, Michael Joyce, will try and manage the list so any problems with addresses, unsuitable mailing, people to be added etc. please send them to me email hidden; JavaScript is required. If you don’t want to receive these messages let me know and I’ll take your address out.