General News

Committee statement

Dear HealthOne user,

Many of you will have by now received an email from Clanwilliam regarding changing your practice management software to Socrates.
The HIUG Committee want to reassure you that there is no threat to the continued existence and functionality of It will continue to be supported and developed. The recent message received by some users is not endorsed by us.
Specifically, having reached out to HSE, we are reassured that there is no risk to the continued ability of to provide data to the HSE and other agencies now or in the future.
We advise current users against converting to another programme.

To keep up-to-date about please update your contact details.
Please ask colleagues (GP, PN Management) to complete so that all users at your practice are informed
This form is intended to update the Health One User Group (HIUG) about your contact details

On behalf of the HealthOne User Group Committee