General News

Committee statement

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Dear HealthOne user, Many of you will have by now received an email from Clanwilliam regarding changing your practice management software to Socrates. The HIUG Committee want to reassure you that there is no threat to the continued existence and functionality of It will continue to be supported and developed. The recent message received […]


Updated Cervical screening Form 2020

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We have now uploaded the latest version of the Cervical Smear mediform It is called “CervicalSmear_2020” and there is a video here on how to edit the form so as to re-enter your practice details In the future we will distribute this form with the names of the GPs/Nurses etc prepopulated but this requires a […]



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Version was released to all sites on 13/04/2020 Version will be released to all sites on week beginning 11/05/2020 HEALTHMAIL Only GPs can use the email Pharmacy function View and take attachments from Healthmail inbox directly from Health one                               7min-02sec Direct email – review of the configuration – easier to insert personal […]



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Today we have released the latest version of Health one to all sites via the Liveupdate. The version number is This will be downloaded automatically to you PCs over the coming days. If you want to update more quickly then click Helpè webupdate Please ensure that all the PCs in you practice are updated. […]



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Following on from the challenging times we are facing in General Practice, E-scribing has now been implemented as part of the drive to facilitate Healthcare management in Primary Care. We In HealthOne are able to implement this with ease. Watch the video tutorial below on how to use this feature.

Training Cork CANCELLED

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Agenda: We will be discussing all recent updates to HealthOne, version 8.7, including the new Chronic Disease Management module. Programme will be tailored to your needs on the day. Meetings are open to all doctors, nurses and office staff working in your practice. Free of charge to all HealthOne users On the day registration from […]



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We are now in the process of releasing the new version of Health one to all sites. We will release this version of HEALTH one,, gradually over the coming week. This evening we are sending it to about 60 sites and we will then send it out to more sites over the coming days. […]

Training Clonmel – CANCELLED

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Agenda: We will be discussing all recent updates to HealthOne, version 8.7, including the new Chronic Disease Management module. Programme will be tailored to your needs on the day. Meetings are open to all doctors, nurses and office staff working in your practice. Free of charge to all HealthOne users On the day registration from […]

General News

Covid 19 resources

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We have made these available for easier access through our YouTube channel Referrals Using HealthlinkCovid Testing for Health Care ProfessionalsSuggestions for Covid consultations and BillingSending prescriptions to pharmacy using HealthmailOnline Social Welfare Certification (we hope that this will be available soon)

Training – North East CANCELLED

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Agenda: We will be discussing all recent updates to HealthOne, version 8.7, including the new Chronic Disease Management module. Programme will be tailored to your needs on the day. Meetings are open to all doctors, nurses and office staff working in your practice. Free of charge to all HealthOne users On the day registration from […]